The Grand Procession

June 25th 1824

The Dalkeith Kilwinning Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons having formerly resolved to celebrate their hundred years this day as also the Anniversary of St John the Baptist, the Brethren having assembled in their Lodge Room at one o’clock when the Lodge was opened in the form by the Right Worshipful Master and being then marshalled with Deputation’s from Sister Lodges in the High School Yard by Brothers Robert Millne, John Purves, Robert Johnston and David Farquharson assisted by Brothers Moffat and Hogg from Grand Lodge of Scotland, the Dalkeith Lodge then marched off preceded by a Band of Musick and followed by the Deputations from other Lodges to the church the middle of the under part having been reserved for the Brethren. The Galleries and other parts were filled by genteel and well dressed ladies and gentlemen.

Divine Service was performed by that very Worthy and Reverend Brother Dr Lee who preached a most impressive and excellent sermon from 1st Timothy the 5th Chapter and 8th Verse.

The procession then went from the Church round by the West End of the Town in the following order:

  • 1st The Edinburgh and Leith Celtic Lodge in Highland Garb with their Piper.
  • 2nd The Edinburgh Roman Eagle Lodge with their Champion on horse back clothed in mail and ancient armour.
  • 3rd The Edinburgh St Stephen’s Lodge.
  • 4th The new Edinburgh Kilwinning Lodge.
  • 5th The St John’s Lodge, Fisherrow.
  • 6th The Edinburgh St Andrew’s Lodge.
  • 7th The Edinburgh Journeymen’s Lodge.
  • 8th The Brethren of the Dalkeith Lodge clothed in black with white gloves and aprons about 145 in number.
  • 9th The Chaplain of the Lodge in his gown having the Bible etc.
  • 10th Brothers Waiter Smith, Alexr. McDonald, and Alexr. Wilson, Elders of the Church.
  • 11th Brother Thomas Mure Grand Proxy with his Wardens Brothers Mclntyre and Brand.
  • 12th The Secretary and Treasurer, the Wardens, the Right Worshipful Master James Turnbull supported by William Plummer, Depute Master and David Noble, Substitute Master and having arrived at the Cross Keys Inn upwards of 200 Brethren sat down to an excellent dinner provided by Mrs. Davidson.

On the health of the Reverend Dr. Lee being drunk, Dr. Lee rose and proposed to drink to the prosperity of the Brethren and in a neat impressive speech declared the great pleasure he enjoyed in seeing such harmony and cordiality prevailing and wished they might be long spared and well directed in their labours and that they might persevere in assisting their decayed Brethren, endeavouring to comfort those in affliction and making the heart of the widow to rejoice and. that harmony and peace might always reign within our walls.

On the health of the Masters of the different Lodges being drunk, they severally returned thanks in a manner suitable to the occasion, declaring their gratification it gave them to be present. At such a grand and harmonious meeting.

On the procession leaving the Inn they proceeded by the east end of the town and on arriving in the Lodge spent the remainder of the evening with that cordiality which is always the distinguishing feature of the Craft the Lodge being dosed in due form by the Right Worshipful Master the brethren parted pleasably and well disposed one toward another.


Jas. Turnbull, Mr.


N.B. Brethren to attend dressed in black, black stockings and white gloves.

The Lodge attended the laying of the foundation stones of all prominent buildings at that time, for example:

  • 24th March 1831 – Foundation stone at Masonic Hall, Musselburgh
  • 1st September 1842 – Harbour of Refuge at Dunbar
  • Victoria Halls for General Assembly
  • 15th August 1846 – Scotts Monument
  • 15th August 1848 – Union Workhouse
  • 29th August 1851 – Restoration of Parish Church
  • 26th May 1852 – Wellington Statue
  • 24th June 1961 – Laying foundation stone Wallace Monument at Stirling. Proposed to go by Stirling Steamer from
  • Decided to go by train. Left Dalkeith at 6.30 a.m.
  • 2nd October 1965 – Opening new Water Works at Dalkeith.